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Traditional Art & Writing Aids

There are a lot of interesting scientific and technological stories hidden in various traditional methods of medieval Assam involving writing, painting and dying. These include: preparation and application of writing-aids of manuscripts, viz., Sāncipāt, a unique writing base made of bark of Sānci tree and Mahī, a unique herbal ink and preparation and application of paints including the herbal Mahī, and other pigments like Hengul, Haital for illustration of manuscripts.

A large number of scientific studies have been reported in the literature on iron gall ink (IGI), the contemporary herbal ink of Europe but no scientific study had been reported on these interesting and important traditional technologies of Assam except a recent humble initiation by our research group on Mahī.

Our work mainly involves interdisciplinary approach including science and technology involving chemistry, biochemistry, physics, indigenous technology, and humanities involving history, literature and traditional culture and heritage and curation.

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